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Walks with Tatí

Walks with Tatí Artist Book made in 2021 3 Artist Books – Walks with Tatí Allier, France and Zeeland, the Netherlands Getting around, lockdown 2021 ‘Walks with Tatí’ is the title of a series of pocket-size handmade artist books. There are 12 booklets, each...

Are you at home?

Are you at home? Large drawings on Kraft paper Exhibition 2020, La Pléiade, Espace Culturel, Commentry, France 3 Drawings of trees, rocks and hermits Rock caves, tree hollows inhabited by hermits Are you at home?” is the title of a series of drawings on trees,...

Heaven blows it, thus

Lo soffia il cielo, così Performance art and poetry at la Rocca di Carmignano 3 Heaven blows it, thus Performance art, balloon poetry Location: Rocca di CarmignanoGroup exhibition: Moto a LuogoDate: 2003Curator: Saretto Cincinelli   The performance, Lo...

115 Ribbons l 624 Emily Dickinson

115 Ribbons I 624 Emily Dickinson 3 115 Ribbons I 624 Emily Dickinson Poetry  slideshow The slideshow pairs fragments of the poem with a sequence of 115 ribbons, each tied around a rectangular piece of cardboard. On every piece of cardboard, the date—day, month,...

Are you there?

Ci sei? Drawings 3 I am delighted that this drawing has been given a place in the 12th edition of The Large Dutch Art Calendar 2024.   Ci sei? size: 100 x 0.70 m paper: Fabriano, Molotow ink Drawings, trees and hermits size: 100 x 70 paper: Fabriano Studio...